Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I started laying in the white and more of the black. I'm making some good progress. I think the forehead shadow looks a little awkward, and the hair needs a bit more work. Also I need to look tat the eyes again. Though in the photo I can see that the separation between the bangs and the forehead is really happening like I wanted it to. Taking photos of my drawings at different stages has started to help me get a new perspective on my work. In the photos I get a bit of separation from the work I have just done and can see a bit more clearly the over all work that has been done and what I have to correct. Also seeing the things that have been done right is encouraging.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

New Drawing

I've started working on a new drawing, it's in my sketch book, I'll take it out when it's done. Right now I'm just laying int he black charcoal I'm going to come back in with white to add highlights and blend a bit. This time I'm using charcoal so it shouldn't take as long this time. It's also small but a little larger than 8" x 10"
This time I'm also using a model other than myself. It's been quite awhile since I've done something other than a self portrait. I may do another still life again or maybe do another one of those drawings that borrows more from graphic design. With the repetition of one image, like my "Dragon Hourglass" drawing. Right now I'm going to focus on this. It's small but I plan to take my time, so I don't have a real time estimate right now. When I get more work done then maybe I'll be able to add a real estimate.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


"Angelic" is finished. There are some parts of it that I feel could be better but it's time for me to move on and apply what I've learned to a new piece. I fear that I if I work on this anymore it will become overworked. Also as a perfectionist, I don't think it will ever live up to my standards. Though I suppose that as long as I can find something to improve I have something to shoot for in the next piece.

I've also posted this drawing on my website:

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pain in my ribs and hand

I was working on my drawing, I'm finally done with the hand. Finally, it's still not my finest work but I'm very critical of the hands I draw. Anyway I'm proud of myself for not finding a way to creatively crop out the hand from the composition just to make my life easier. It may not be perfect and I may not be 100% happy with it but it's done. Anyway my ribs hurt because I have to lay down to work on it, and even with a pillow my ribs are hurting. I mean the last time I had pain in my ribs due to a drawing was my freshman year of high school. We had a "bug's eye view" assignment, and I drew the view from under my bed. I actually laid under my bed and drew from life for that one. The school nurse seemed to think I was crazy. It was worse then though because I was having trouble just sitting up in class. Though the pillow helped alleviate the pain, then. It's just not helping now. My hand hurts because I have to press so hard. I was working on the background again and that's just extra hard pressure constantly with a 6B, and because I erased so much in the area with the hand it kind of made my 2B act like an HB. So again I was having to press super hard but with more control. Anyway I'm in all kinds of pain, but I'm taking a break for the night. I'm going to work tomorrow, hopefully, if not definitely Thursday. I just have to finish the last of the one arm, the stomach, and leg. So I might be a little off on my estimate of getting done by the end of this week, but definitely should be done and posting photos by this time next week. I started the arm and stomach, I was just completely underestimating the time taken to finish those. There's a good bit of detail in just that little bit of the arm. Anyway I'm done rambling about this drawing. I'm happy with finally making some progress after all this time. Woo! I'll be done with plenty of time to submit this for the competition.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Website and art work

I updated my site again, finally. With everything going on that kind of went on the back burner and so did my art. Right now I'm being held back from working on my drawing a bit more, at least in the areas that count because I'm missing my erasers. Right now I'm typing this out as a break from the background. My hand is cramping. Anyway I should be finishing this soon, I just need to get erasers, so I suppose maybe by Wednesday I'll be done. Tonight for the most part I'd like to fill in the background. I can't finish it all until I fill in the rest of the hand, leg and back. I can't finish the hand because I need to fix parts of the finger with the eraser. I finally started on the stomach but I feel a bit awkward working on that when the hand isn't done. Though I really do like the finger that I finished tonight. I just completely screwed up the pinky again. Once I finish this drawing, I'll submit to that competition and then I'll get to work on another drawing. Maybe I'll work on a self portrait from life (mirror) with colored pencil. I haven't tried colored pencil in awhile I think it will be fun. Then maybe I'll work on another drawing from a reference photo, for that I'll use charcoal though. I'm always faster with charcoal. I'd like to get some paint soon, so I can work on getting some paintings done. I'd really like to try the water soluble oil colors. I don't like all the toxic materials that come with traditional oils.
Also I've decided to keep the colors of my site simple. I think the black and white just allows for the work to speak for it self. So no major changes planned with that anymore. I just need some new business cards.