Sunday, March 7, 2010

Little bit of work

I got a little bit of work done tonight. It's not much but I do think it's looking better. I was having a little trouble trying to sketch in the ring. Hopefully that will turn out ok in the end. I'm not sure if the drawing is going to be a large as I originally intended. I suppose that is fine though. I may even have enough paper to cut off a small piece and create a smaller drawing on it.
Also I'm still working through some website host issues. I'm going to be switching hosts, for sure this time. I already signed up with a new one. There is no real big issue, I just found a host that offers less for less. My old host was descent but I wasn't using everything I was paying for. Now I'll be paying a little less and that will definitely help out. I'm still waiting for everything to go through though, so I'm not sure if my site will go down or not.

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